Personal Injury Lawyers,
Jacksonville, FL

Paralyzed Newlywed Recovers for Flimsy ATV “Roll Cage”

Confidential settlement worth millions awarded to couple in product liability case

faulty ATVBoth John and Jane were properly belted in. However, the Roll Protection System literally disintegrated and broke into pieces, giving them no roof protection at all. Jane suffered a broken neck and was left a quadriplegic.

faulty ATVPajcic & Pajcic’s crash worthiness team determined the ATV’s roll cage was made of such flimsy material, there was no way it could keep them safe. Jane and John felt a false sense of security because the ATV was advertised as being sturdy and stable.

faulty ATVShortly before trial, the ATV manufacturer agreed to a confidential settlement in the millions negotiated by our Jacksonville law firm in this product liability case. Jane will never return to her life as a nurse, but she will now have all the medical care she needs. The couple is staying true to their wedding vows, to be there for each other, in sickness and in health, though they could never imagine when they spoke those words what a tragic turn their life would take.

    Free Case Consultation

    Pajcic & Pajcic
    1 Independent Dr Suite 1900
    Jacksonville, FL 32202

    Local: 904-358-8881

    Fax: 904-354-1180